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How to Sleep Better When Traveling
Poor sleep is never ideal, regardless of whether you’re traveling for work or for enjoyment. Trying to sleep on a long drive or an overnight trip can result in waking up disoriented, exhausted, and annoyed. But it’s not necessary to be so. Even when on vacation, traveling can cause physical and mental stress. You may develop what is known as travel fatigue. Travel fatigue can leave you drained, give you headaches, cause you to sleep less, and cause other problems. Some of the elements that can lead to travel sickness are as follows: Jet lag is a sleep problem that occurs while traveling across three or more time zones. When you reach your destination, your circadian rhythm may still be operating in the time zone where you started. As a result, you may feel disconnected from your present time zone. This is most common while flying long distances, although it can also happen if you travel swiftly enough by car or train. Jet lag symptoms include exhaustion, fogginess, gastrointestinal issues, and a general sensation of malaise. Jet lag usually passes in a few days, although it can continue for several weeks. It is even harsher while traveling from west to east. Simply being in a different atmosphere or bed can interfere with your sleep and relaxation. You may have personal experience with this, but it has also been validated in sleep studies. Even if the foreign setting appears to be quite nice, such as a spa or resort, it can have a detrimental impact on your sleep. This usually starts to feel better after the first night in a new environment. Changing your typical schedule can lead to sleep issues. Changing your eating or sleeping habits, for example, can be tremendously upsetting to your body and mind. This is especially challenging on business or vacation journeys when you want to be well rested and present.
13-Jan-2023, 01:57 PM